2476H-9050230-WI WIKAInstrument WIKA 9050230

Part Nnumber
WIKA 9050230
Basic price
81,48 EUR

The product with part number 2476H-9050230-WI (WIKA 9050230) is from company WIKAInstrument and distributed with basic unit price 81,48 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Bourdon tube pressure gauge Stainless steel version Model 232.50 Applications For gaseous and liquid aggressive media that are not highly viscous or crystallising, also in aggressive ambience Process industry: Chemical/petro-chemical, power stations, mining, on- and offshore, environmental technology, machine building and general plant construction Special features Excellent load-cycle stability and shock resistance All stainless steel construction German Lloyd, Gosstandart and DVGW approval Max. Scale Range: 40 bar Min. Scale Range: 0 bar Norm: EN837-1 Temperature max.: 60 °C Temperature min.: -40 °C

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