2476H-9022236-WI WIKAInstrument WIKA 9022236

Part Nnumber
WIKA 9022236
Basic price
9,13 EUR

The product with part number 2476H-9022236-WI (WIKA 9022236) is from company WIKAInstrument and distributed with basic unit price 9,13 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Bourdon tube pressure gauge Lower mount, standard version Model 111.10 Applications For gaseous and liquid media that are not highly viscous or crystallising and will not attack copper alloy parts Pneumatics Heating and air-conditioning technology Medical engineering Special features Reliable and cost-effective Design per EN 837-1 Max. Scale Range: 40 bar Min. Scale Range: 0 bar Norm: EN837-1 Temperature max.: 60 °C Temperature min.: -20 °C

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